RE: [AD] official beta (Re namespace again)

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Title: RE: [AD] official beta (Re namespace again)

[proposition of merged compatible/new allegro API snipped]

If we could avoid all conflicts, this would indeed be an interesting
solution. I haven't thought of it enough to really have an opinion
about it yet though :)

> Or if we remove text_mode() and instead add an extra background_color
> argument to textout() & co, then we would need a wrapper for
> this in the
> old-style library.

I would not do that. I'd require one to draw a rectangle before. Drawing
text is one thing, and having routines that do twelve things at a time
seems odd. If we're going to break compatibility, I'd remove entirely
the management of back color from text* routines. I think.

Vincent Penquerc'h

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