Re: [AD] GFX_SAFE mode problems in Linux

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On 21 Oct 2001, Javier González <xaviergonz@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I just checked out the latest version under Linux and I'm having really big
> problems with the GFX_SAFE mode

Only with GFX_SAFE?

> When I run as a normal user, there is no problem (I assume because it picks
> FBCon as the driver), but when I try as root (I guess it picks SVGALib, the
> screen is all corrupted (also when im able to see the mode selection screen,
> SVGALib reports as valid resolutions... 80x80, 160x160 and so!)

Have you configured /etc/vga/libvga.config?

> Now about XMode (KDE 2.1.1 mor exactly) I canno't see aything, no matter
> which mode I try, all that I see (being root, because if I try as another
> user I get
> "No VT consoles available") is that it changes of VT and in that new
> terminal
> i don't see anything, just i see the write cursor and I can write text...

Seems like it's trying to use console mode instead of X.

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