Re: [AD] Another Grabber patch |
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> I know (from experience) how hard it is to make a 'dirty' flag for a
> document in a more complicated program. I also know how annoying it is
> for a user if such a thing doesn't work correctly. If you add this,
> please make sure it works correctly, or leave it out. Once it's in
> people start to depend on it, and if then it doesn't work properly,
> (ie leaves cases where it doesn't report correctly) things may go
> horribly wrong. If there is no such 'file changed' warning, people
> will automatically keep track themselves and be careful about it.
Well, in most cases with the Grabber, it might set the dirty flag when you
choose to add something, for example, but then cancel it.
Owen Rudge
MSN Messenger: orudge@xxxxxxxxxx
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