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I've got a number of bugs in my very large Allegro game, under Windows, it
tends to freeze the computer or just exit without any info, and under Linux
it tends to Segfault, without any info. If I try to use Ms VC++ features to
debug my game, the computer just hangs, and if I try to use gdb, the
computer just goes crazy (keymapping goes haywire, funny beeps when you
press the wrong keys). Is this something common to all graphical allegro
programs; something to do with the debuggers not working with
DirectX/SVGALib? How can I get around this? I don't really have any
experience using C++ debuggers, so I don't know what I am doing really.
This is the sort of thing I do under Linux..
"gdb sttr"
When I run my game outside of gdb then I don't get any useful debug output,
although I did compile with -g. I just get told there was a segfault, and I
don't get anything else, not even a core dump.
Please Help!
Thanks in advance,
Chris Graham