Re: [AD] mode selector, some observations... |
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RE: [AD] mode selector, some observations...Shawn Hargreaves wrote:
>Enumerating video modes is always fundamentally slow on many systems,
>as not all drivers store this information, so they may need to actually
>talk to the hardware to discover it (and what might be a reasonable delay
>in the process of changing video mode gets totally unacceptable if you
>have to call that function hundreds of times before bringing up a GUI
Some ideas:
-instead of prefetching mode lists, run create_mode_list() on demand and
cache the result.
-optimize directx mode enumeration.
-use separate threads to collect mode lists. the selected gfx driver has
first priority.
-put the mode list functionality in a utility which generates a file that is
later used by modesel.c.
-a switch to toggle use of default mode list for every driver entry. (old
modeselector behaviour)
also i wouldn't mind adding a qsort on the mode list. it shouldn't slow
things down much. also i would like somebody with a pentium 60-90Mhz or so,
to time how long a whole create_driver_list() takes.
Figure out what you want while I use my weekend on other more important
things... If I get no replys I will simply assume you're all quite happy or
don't care. >:o)
Sincerely Henrik Stokseth.
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