[AD] RPM stuff

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I've put together a new RPM spec file, using the dodgy one by George
and one that was posted by Osvaldo Santana Neto in April.

I was going to post some example RPMs, but with deployment of the
new web page, I won't do that yet.

The spec file is attached, as is the icon it refers to.  (I haven't
actually got permission for the sprite yet.  Are you on this list,
Johan Peitz?)  The parts of the spec file I'm not sure are the
BuildRequires and Requires tags.  And I'm not totally sure the icon
is a good idea, either (but it's fun).

The file lists for each RPM are attached.  Please comment on what
you think belongs in each package.  I'm considering splitting the
devel package into two (`devel' and `tools' (containing grabber,
etc.)).  I also left out the debug and profiling libs as they
doubled the size of resultant RPMs.

Attachment: allegro.spec.gz
Description: application/gunzip

Attachment: alex.xpm.gz
Description: application/gunzip

Attachment: manifest.txt.gz
Description: application/gunzip

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