Re: [AD] os_multitasking vs. i_love_bill. a deathmatch.

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Henrik Stokseth wrote:
> hi! i was going to remove the i_love_bill variable

Can we keep i_love_bill in allegro.h to avoid breaking programs that use
it? Several of mine do, and I think other people also use it.

> and use the os_multitasking variable which is cross-platform and 
> has a more informative name. these variables has almost the exact
> same function so keeping both seems a little dumb to me.

In theory, someone may want to check the `os_multitasking' flag to see
if it's worth calling the `*display_switch*()' functions, and the
`i_love_bill' flag to see how high frequence the timers should get. So
we may still need two separate flags. In practice, I don't know if there
really are any os'es that only do multitasking without limiting the
interrupt rate (or vice versa) though.


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