Re: [AD] [TODO] About findfirst

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>> I find it a little wasteful to require the emulation of a platform dependent
>> set of functions while we have already an abstraction layer on top of it !
> Then why not make al_findfirst, al_findnext, al_findclose, al_ffblk (or
> whatever structure we use)? It would be a reasonable part of the public
> API, and would remove the need for the emulated find* functions under
> otehr platforms. Under DJGPP and Windows, these would just be inline
> functions calling the relevant library functions, but under Unix et al.
> these would be actual implementations.

If I'm not mistaked, DJGPP & Windows versions differs in their parameters
and inner working, so they just can't be used by a portable program the
same way. Thus, inlinining/defining al_find* functions won't suffise.

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