[AD] masked_blit 106% faster !! |
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... in 16bpp, if the blit is memory->memory, and if you have a Pentium 3 + system only.
It uses SSE (or Enhanced 3DNow!) to do the job. On my system (P3 800/133), I get a 106% improvement in memory->memory masked_blits, however, there's a 2.5% drop in memory->screen masked blits.
On Athlons however, it seems it cuts the speed in half (!) from the normal one. I can't confirm this since I don't have access to one directly (had to rely on non-techincal friend via icq...) so can someone back up those numbers?
If the 3dnow! code really is half as fast as the non-3dnow, I'll remove it from the patch.
The patch also adds Enhanced 3DNow! detection.In case I screwed up somewhere, can the patch be tested on other systems? I only had the chance to do it an Athlon TBird C and a P3, and with only a limited amount of sprites.
-- - Robert J Ohannessian "Microsoft code is probably O(n^20)" (my CS prof) http://pages.infinit.net/voidstar/
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