Fw: [AD] Color convertors

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> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bob" <ohannessian@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > In any case, I was re-writting the 16->32 convertor, and as Angello
> > out, white (0xFFFF) was converted to a nice shade of gray (0xF8FCF8). So
> my
> > question is: should I add 0x070307 to the converted color, or leave
> > as is? What about 0x030103?
> >
> > Something similar will be done for the 15->32 too.
> assuming c is right aligned unsigned
> 6bits to 8bit is:
> c = (c<<2) | (c>>4)
> 5bits to 8bit is:
> c = (c<<3) | (c>>2)
> these properly scale the value

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