[AD] mode list update and implementation for vga, modex and xtended gfx drivers.

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hi! here's a patch which i just put in the repository.

what it does:

1) allows for staticly allocated mode lists to be used. fetch_mode_list() on 
the driver has to set the internal variable gfx_mode_list_malloced to either 
TRUE or FALSE for this to work. the destroy_gfx_mode_list() function will use 
this variable to determine wheter or not to free() the list.

note: gfx drivers who wish to use hardcoded mode lists can now simply 
declare the mode list and the fetch_mode_list() function will be as simple as 
calling destroy_gfx_mode_list(), setting gfx_mode_list to point to the list 
and setting gfx_mode_list_malloced to FALSE.

2) implements fetch_mode_list() method on GFX_VGA, GFX_MODEX and GFX_XTENDED. 
these drivers have use a hardcoded (staticly allocated) mode list which 
covers all valid modes.


i saw angelo mottola implemented fetch_mode_list() on the beos fullscreen 
driver. that's nice. i've updated it and made sure the list is properly 
terminated by an { 0, 0, 0 } entry. please look over it.

some important drivers that still remans to update includes VBE/AF and X 


Attachment: hardcoded_fetch_mode_lists2.zip
Description: Zip archive

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