Re: [AD] Proposal for a set_icon function

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>What do you mean by "shared by all ports" ? Would such a function be really
>portable ? What of the n X window managers, the m Unix desktop
>environments... ?

I thought there was a way to set the window icon into Xlib... maybe I'm 
wrong. About other ports, I think all (except DOS of course) could support 
it, in one way or another...

>Again I don't see the point of setting the icon at runtime if there is
>already an icon attached to the exe that will be automatically loaded.
>Under Windows, Allegro would search the exe for an icon named "allegro_icon"
>and automatically load it if it is present. Thus programmers would only have
>to link an object file containing an icon named so and that icon would be
>used both on the desktop when the app is not running and in the window title
>bar when the app is running.
>Expert Win32 programmers could directly provide the object file, whereas
>non-expert ones could use the utility to generate it from Allegro bitmaps.
>The utility would be basically an "outsourced" version of your fonction.

I see your points and that's fine to me. But if we provide the user with an 
utility to setup the icon of a program, what do you think it would have to 
look like? If that is the way to go, I'd try to make it as much os-
indipendent as possible, i.e. some command line tool which would be called in 
a way like (for example):

fixicon myprogram.exe myicon.bmp|pcx|tga|...

And it would do all the dirty stuff to provide the OS-dependent executable to 
have an icon attached to it. Could this be doable, even with some evil hacks?

Angelo Mottola

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