Re: [AD] pink color conversion blit bug

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Elias Pschernig <eliaspschernig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>                         If you use blit to convert between color
> depths, this doesn't correctly work if the bitmap contains transparent
> or pink areas.
> Attached is a patch to fix this. But because blit might be used in
> programs without transparency, it is only invoked when using the newly
> added COLORCONV_TRANS_CARE flag for color conversion.

What does everyone think of this patch/feature?

> In case the patch is accepted I guess I should add a note about
> COLORCONV_TRANS_CARE to the documentation as well..

Yes, please.  Try to make the meaning of "TRANS_CARE" more obvious
(it took a while for me to get my head around it, actually :-)

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
MAGNIPHOBIA (mag ni FO be uh), n.  The fear that the object in the side
mirror is MUCH MUCH closer than it appears.  -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"

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