Re: [AD] QNX Allegro

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Angelo Mottola <a.mottola@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Do you want CVS write access yourself?

Funny, I sent off an email to the same effect just before :-)

> I need some more docs about CVS;

Try "info cvs".

> One more thing: do you agree if alsa.c, alsamidi.c and usigalrm.c are moved
> to the src/misc directory? The QNX port probably needs them.

Doesn't QNX count as a Unix?

> Peter (or anyone else with some free time), while I study the thing, could
> you please apply the latest patches I posted here? (the GFX_AUTODETECT_*
> thing and the it language update)

This is what I actually wanted to reply about..  I'm not sure
whether I should apply those patches just yet, since we might be
changing `set_gfx_mode' in the near future.  (how near? ;-)

One more thing.  I think GFX_SAFE should give preference to windowed
drivers.  Objections?

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
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	-- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"

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