Re: [AD] BeOS joystick, Gnome Panel

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On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 06:10:49PM -0700, Joshua Haberman wrote:
> So are you taking on the majority of the development? How many people
> are actively working on Allegro at the moment?

No, I'm hardly doing anything for Allegro really, except for the
past few days.  I'm busy too. :)

There are seven people with write access to the CVS repository,
and countless other people posting patches and things on this
mailing list.

> BTW, your AllegroGL looks very exciting! When can we expect a stable
> API?

The API has been stable for about a year I think.  In any case,
it's quite a small API so changes wouldn't affect much code.
The only major change is that allegro_gl_begin and
allegro_gl_end are likely to become obsolete soon.


Random project update:
06/03/2001: AllegroGL 0.0.10 released at
	Six months' worth of changes, including Mingw32 support!

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