Re: [AD] Patch Status

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Gillius <gillius@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'd like to hear a firm yes or no wether my patch will be commited, or if 
> only part of it will (I'm sure there's at least nothing wrong with the 
> fixing of the warnings).  

Please resend the patch in unified format unified (diff -u).
Also, it would help if each change was in a separate patch.

> If you have better suggestions let me know.  Now that I've seen these other 
> two methods as options (esp #1), I can do without convert_datafile, 
> although I could imagine a developer in the future wanting to support 
> multiple resolutions on the fly (without having to restart the 
> application).

Firstly, you could write `convert_datafile' in userspace using
`blit'.  I might have even posted one in the past, but maybe I'm
just remembering things.

Secondly, `fixup_datafile' does not do what you think it does.

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
Scheme hackers do it, then come back and do it again later.

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