Re: [AD] Remove the P3D code please!

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> You are not the only Allegro user. You dislike the P3D code ? All right
> so don't use it... Other people may like it and use it.
> I personnaly dislike coding under Windows but I don't say "Ok guys,
> Windows sucks so remove the Windows code because M$ code is slow and
> buggy." I know many people do their best to make Allegro run like a
> dream under Windows (and AFAICS it is not easy) so I have respect for
> them and their work.

You're almost talking about a completely different thing. If I'm
understanding this correctly, somehow P3D was merged with the latest WIP.
But I think it would be hard to compare 3D drawing routines to a whole set
of routines, etc that make allegro work on a different platform. In your
example you used Windows. If you think about it, it's almost like comparing
apples to PCs (ha). But it really shouldn't be a problem if you aren't
forced to use the P3D routines in the first place. If the original Allegro
3D rendering routines are still there, I just have to say that it really
shouldn't be a problem, right? You could choose which rendering system you
want to use. Perhaps you can mix and match? I haven't used it in a while.
Back with Allegro 3.12 I think :)

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