Re: [AD] changes to asm files | & blitter optimization

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On Fri, 16 Feb 2001 Esaelon@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> When they're done, how should I submit updates?  I don't have much
> experience with diffs, figure it's better to ask first... or should I
> have already caught this somewhere, and should know the answer ;x

To create a diff, put the old and new files *somewhere*, then run:

  diff -u oldfile newfile > patch

Compress this file if it's long (more than 5Kb) and send it directly to
this list along with an explanation of the
problem/bugfix/improvement/whatever so that people can verify it and more
importantly one admin merges it with Allegro's cvs tree if it's valid.

If you work against and already downloaded cvs tree, just do your changes,
then run "cvs diff -u > patch" from the root directory. The latter is nice
when your patch includes lot's of files modified over all the cvs tree,
and it's just more convenient to avoid having multiple version files
scattered through your hard disk.

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   gradha@xxxxxxxxxx -
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