Re: [AD] Gui screen

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> > I noticed that the Gui functions all draw directly to the screen.
> > it be better if there was a global pointer which points to the
> > bitmap to be
> > drawn to? It by default could point to the screen , and could be
> > changed by
> > the user when necessary.
> :)
> you're basically asking for something that numerous people already asked
> you are right that it would be better, and someone had begun the work to
> rewrite
> all that; unfortunately, he apparently isn't working on it anymore.
> i believe a patch to do what you ask weas posted to AD quite a while ago.
> anyone still has it ... ?

Or at least make it use double buffer. blit it to a temporary buffer and
then blit that buffer
to the screen. It would avoid flickering for big screens when redrawing all

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