Re: [AD] Suggested resort of DOS midi drivers

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Ok, guess you're right

----- Original Message -----
From: <Bitland@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <conductors@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 2:47 AM
Subject: Re: [AD] Suggested resort of DOS midi drivers

> I can report a longer list of problems with this configuration (SB live
> detects the wrong interrupt, a noname card crashs setup.exe AL3.9.33
> the mpu, my older PCI 64 hangsup on an outportb-command of Allegro after
> memoryexpensive actions, perhaps a virtual swap-problem). So I feel, it
> be dangerous to place the MPU before the standard things. Better manually
> the cfg-file, that's what it's good for. If the route works, sound is
> better, that's right !
> Andy

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