[AD] Patch for color font output |
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Hi, As Andrew Durdin <andy@xxxxxxxxxx> rightly pointed out, color font output on a colored background is incorrect. I enclose a patch:
--- c:/home/cvs/allegro/src/font.c Mon Dec 4 23:47:42 2000 +++ ./font.c Thu Dec 28 04:09:46 2000 @@ -577,15 +577,13 @@ acquire_bitmap(bmp); + if(fg < 0 && bg >= 0) rectfill(bmp, x, y, x + text_length(f, text) - 1, y + text_height(f) - 1, bg); + while( (ch = ugetxc(&p)) ) { BITMAP* g = color_findglyph(f, ch); if(g) { if(fg < 0) { - if(bg < 0) { - bmp->vtable->draw_256_sprite(bmp, g, x, y); - } else { - blit(g, bmp, 0, 0, x, y, g->w, g->h); - } + bmp->vtable->draw_256_sprite(bmp, g, x, y); } else { bmp->vtable->draw_character(bmp, g, x, y, fg); }
And also a test program, just to ensure that the change is correct and all is as it should be:
#include <allegro.h> #include <stdio.h> #define ALLEGRO_PATH "d:/allegro" int black, white, trans, color; typedef struct TEST { const int* text_color; const int* text_mode; const char* desc; }TEST; const TEST tests[] = { { &white, &black, "White text on a black background" }, { &color, &black, "Color text on a black background" }, { &black, &trans, "Black text on a transparent background" }, { &color, &trans, "Color text on a transparent background" }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; int main(void) { DATAFILE* dat = 0, * obj = 0; const TEST* test = tests; int y = 0; FONT* f = 0; if(allegro_init()) return -1; if(install_timer()) return -1; if(install_keyboard()) return -1; set_color_depth(8); if(set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0)) return -1; set_palette(desktop_palette); dat = load_datafile(ALLEGRO_PATH "/setup/setup.dat"); if(!dat) return -1; obj = find_datafile_object(dat, "setup_font"); if(!obj) { unload_datafile(dat); return -1; } f = obj->dat; black = makecol(0, 0, 0); white = makecol(255, 255, 255); trans = -1; color = -1; clear_to_color(screen, white); while(test->text_color && test->text_mode && test->desc) { text_mode(*(test->text_mode)); textout(screen, f, test->desc, 0, y, *(test->text_color)); y += text_height(f) * 5 / 4; test++; } clear_keybuf(); readkey(); unload_datafile(dat); return 0; }
Bye for now, -- Laurence Withers, lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx http://www.lwithers.demon.co.uk/
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