Re: [AD] new dependencies

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In reply to Henrik Stokseth <hstokset@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>since it's of no use to carry around generated files in the repository 
>i'd therefore like to get rid of them once and for all. it would also be 
>a good idea to let the makefiles quit with an error if makefile.dep is 
>non-existant. i.e. remove the minus sign in front of include 

I see you have done this. However, since you also removed the
$(OBJ_DIR)/makefile.dep files, the build falls over when you try to make
anything, including `make depend'!

So you will most likely need to replace the minus sign. Or you could
test if `depend' was the target of the make command and, if so, not
include the dependency file.

Bye for now,
Laurence Withers, lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx

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