Re: [AD] new macallegro

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On Monday 25 December 2000 00:58, you wrote:

> Major changes
> new sound driver which uses allegro's mixer code, in the old code the
> streams don't work because i can't get play buffer position.
> some better files routines,more like unix path format.
> more makefile work (see new readme.mpw and makefile.mpw)
> scripts build many runnable examples and tests (test.c, digitest.c,
> mathtest.c) and documents in html format, better dependency rules

i like the new posix way files are handled now. lots of other neat changes 
too i see. this time they were easy to merge. ;o) well, i have one suggestion 
and that is to split up readme.mpw into a readme.mpw for documentation and 
one script file for installing it. that way it looks more 
consistent with the rest of the library. apart from that good job!

> Happy Xmas everyone!

"god jul" (merry christmas in norwegian).

Sincerely Henrik Stokseth.
"Linux is keyboard friendly. I don't smash it like I used to with Windows."
Homepage:  E-mail: hstokset@xxxxxxxxxx

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