Re: [AD] Linux displays

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Mike Fahlbusch <mcf@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In MS Windows I can use set_gfx_mode to set an arbitrary sized
> window, but in X I can only use certain resolutions like 100x100 or
> size based on 320x200.  160x100 works but 80x50 doesn't. I need to
> set a window of size say 116x35.
> The last atatement appears to limit the screen size to 80 pixels or
> more.  Can I just change w < 80 and h < 80 to something like w < 1
> and h < 1?

Michael should be able to tell you definitively, but why not just
try it?  It should work; I've seen `xv' pop up 1x1 windows before.
The limit is probably just there because the smallest mode available
under DOS is 80x80.

> When I run compile and run a program which works fine under MSW it
> seems to work ok (apart from the window size problem) but the
> colors of either my program or other programs are messed up.  This
> also happens if I run allegro/examples/ex3d and select X display.
> How do I stop the colors from changing when I move the cursor
> about?  It's not practical to run this program in full screen mode.

Are you running in 8 bpp colour depth?  If so, the easiest solution
is just to run in a higher colour depth.

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
SQUALKEENUS (skwal KE nus), n.  The shock syndrome that comes from biting
into a popsicle with one's front teeth.  -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"

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