[AD] the bug is back !!!

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I posted here a bug report some time ago about a crash when in 16bpp
and using a 8bpp bitmap. I could not reproduce it at that time. Now
it's back !

The crash only happens when using the normal liballeg-3.9.34.so
library. When using the debug version, everything works fine. To
reproduce it, simply add
and change create_bitmap to create_bitmap_ex(8,... in exmem.c

Don't tell me I am the only one to have this bug !
And since the error message is
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x400b3237 in _xwin_write_line () from /usr/local/lib/liballeg.so
it might happen only in linux, and maybe even only in xfree !

So I use X 4.0.1 in 16bpp.

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