Re: [AD] Another GFX_SAFE patch, now the demo

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Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <gradha@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> You've had lately way too much Python :)

Actually, I've been hacking on my weak little Scheme interpreter,
and I read the "Llama book" two days ago.  Next time I'll write
pseudo-code with different syntax (shell? Standard ML?) :-)

> Oh, I am sending now a simple cosmetic change for the examples using
> gfx_mode_select_ex, which makes the selection dialog more 'intelligent'
> when you are running them at 1024x768x16 :)

And also wrote:
> This is a little bit convulted patch that makes extrans support any color
> depth. Luckily the convulted part is inside a conditional, so it shouldn't
> hurt to much the rest of the code.

Both committed.

MITTSQUINTER (MIT skwint ur), n.  A ball player who looks into his glove
after missing the ball, as if, somehow, the cause of the error lies there.
	-- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"

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