Re: [AD] About rtf documentation.

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On Sat, Oct 28, 2000 at 10:06:56PM +0200, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> I've just noted that rtf documentation needs a space character before
> newline to avoid sticking words together. This means that my last patch
> adding a few lines to makefile targets will come wrong in the rtf version,
> because my lines lack a terminating space character.
> Do you know if this character can be automatically added by some script?


    sed -e 's/\([^ ]\)$/\1 /' < input_file > output_file

That takes any line ending in something not a space, and adds a
space after that something.  Or, assuming it doesn't mind if you
put two spaces, you could just use 's/$/ /'.

Actually, I find the easiest way to apply sed expressions is
through vi -- if you run vi on your file, then type ":%s/$/ /"
it will process the whole document.  Then ":wq" to write and

> Or how did Shawn manage to write so much documentation without forgetting
> a single space character where needed? Because they are put where needed,
> not at the end of lines starting with @ or ending with a dot. :-?

Hmm, maybe you want: sed -e 's/^\([^@].*[^ .]\)$/\1 /'

In any case, I think it's mad for this to be required in the
source file -- the fixes should be done by makedoc

BTW, when you wrote to me a few days ago, and then I wrote back
with a forward from work, I had previously tried to reply to
your email from home too.  It looks like iname only accepts mail
from my Outlook account at work, not from my Linux account or
from my home mail account.  Specifically, it complains about
non-resolving domains, which makes sense for that Linux box
which doesn't have a domain, but my home machine sent its
correct domain name, which does resolve.  Maybe iname just had
DNS problems.


Random project update:
09/05/2000: Libnet 0.10.8 uploaded -- a few bugfixes  (try changes-0.10.8.txt)

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