Re: [AD] Menu auto-opening

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On Sun, 1 Oct 2000, Angelo Mottola wrote:

> > 2. Submenus should open only in reaction to the mouse moving over
> > it, then stopping.

This is not the way I think this should work.  If you have to conciously
stop, then you might as well click the mouse.

If we are looking for a Windows 9x type of feature, then it should open
after the mouse has been over the menu item after a set period of time,
regardless of if you are moving or not.  AND, it should not automatically
disappear until you have been off the item for a certain period of time (I
can't tell you how many people forget this, and it becomes annoying
because the menu disappears because you are not precise enough with your
mouse movements.)

> > Therefore I'm not too sure about this feature.  It seems like a lot
> > of work and code to get this working "right", and it's not something
> > that I would really use anyway (why wait when you can click? :-)

The time is ussually like .3 seconds in Windows.  The menu opens before
you can even move your mouse over the new menu that has appeared, so it
actually just as fast as clicking.  It basically just removes a step,
which is a Good Thing.

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