Re: [AD] GUI changes

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OK, here is the promised documentation update regarding the GUI changes.
Please apply against version 3.9.33 (CVS) and better check the text for
possible mistakes, because unfortunately my english is not perfect :-(
I placed the new text right before the descriptions of the GUI objects.
I hope the formatting and position of the new text is ok, I checked it
as RTF, HTML, INFO and TXT, it looked good for me...

Mail: pavlovic@xxxxxxxxxx
diff -r -U 3 -N allegro.old/docs/allegro._tx allegro/docs/allegro._tx
--- allegro.old/docs/allegro._tx	Tue Aug 22 20:46:20 2000
+++ allegro/docs/allegro._tx	Thu Aug 31 10:14:32 2000
@@ -5788,6 +5788,49 @@
 calls d_button_proc for everything except drawing itself, so it would behave 
 like a normal button but could look completely different.
+Since the release of Allegro version 3.9.33 (CVS), some GUI objects and 
+menus are being drawn differently unlike in previous Allegro versions. The 
+changes are the following:
+   Shadows under d_shadow_box_proc and d_button_proc are always black.
+   The most important (and immediately visible) change is, that some objects 
+   are being drawn smaller. The difference is exactly one pixel in both 
+   height and width, when comparing to previous versions. The reason is, 
+   that in previous versions these objects were too large on the screen - 
+   their size was d->w+1 and d->h+1 pixels (and not d->w and d->h, as it 
+   should be). This change affects the following objects :
+          d_box_proc,
+          d_shadow_box_proc,
+          d_button_proc,
+          d_check_proc,
+          d_radio_proc,
+          d_list_proc,
+          d_text_list_proc and
+          d_textbox_proc.
+   When you want to convert old dialogs to look equally when compiling with 
+   the new Allegro version, just increase the size of the mentioned objects 
+   by one pixel in both width and height fields. 
+   When you use an object which is derived from d_textbox_proc, and you are 
+   calling d_textbox_proc when drawing your object, you should temporarily 
+   alter the object's proc to d_textbox_proc and after the drawing back to 
+   whatever it was before. The reason is, that checking mouseclicks on the 
+   scrollbar is slightly different for the textbox than for the list boxes,
+   so there is a check for the proc field - and in case of derived objects 
+   the proc field wouldn't be d_textbox_proc - so the click would be 
+   evaluated incorrectly.
+   When a GUI menu item (not in a bar menu) has a child menu, there is a 
+   small arrow next to the child menu name, pointing to the right - so the 
+   user can immediately see that this menu item has a child menu - and 
+   there is no need to use such menu item names as for example "New...", 
+   to show that it has a child menu. The submenu will be drawn to the right 
+   of the parent menu, trying not to overlap it.
 @@int @d_clear_proc(int msg, DIALOG *d, int c);
    This just clears the screen when it is drawn. Useful as the first object 
    in a dialog.

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