Re: [AD] Japanese keyboard

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Tomohiko Sugiura <tmsugi@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> There are three Japanese keys we cannnot press with Allegro.
> I attached files for this fix.
> All four files have to be patched to work correctly.

I've applied it to CVS.

> BTW, how about my sidewinder patch posted a few days ago?

I've applied it too.

Some notes:

1) It would be better to include path information to patch, for example:

bash$ diff -u old/allegro/src/keyboard.c new/allegro/src/keyboard.c

2) Try to setup your editor for correct Allegro indentation.  See
docs/ahack._tx for more information.

3) Use C-style comments, not C++-style comments.

4) If the patch was written by someone else, you should edit
docs/thanks._tx yourself, otherwise I'll add your name to that file.

5) Test for true condition with 'if (flag)', or 'if (flag != FALSE)',
and not with 'if (flag == TRUE)', because there is only one false
(zero), and anything else is true.

6) I've replaced _TRUE and _FALSE with TRUE and FALSE in sw.c, because
Allegro already defines TRUE and FALSE.

Michael Bukin

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