[AD] Paletted Bitmap Grabber PlugIn & Allegro Extension |
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Hi there, I have coded a new object type. It is an 8bit BITMAP alongside with a palette. I needed this because OBS2 runs in 24bit mode but in my opinion it is a waste of space to store everything in 24bit on HD. I always wanted to have each image it's own palette, but until now it had needed lots of work. I have lots of graphics and it would be a pain to grab them manually PLUS their palette. I created a new struct in allegro.h typedef struct PAL_BITMAP { BITMAP *bmp; PALETTE pal; } PAL_BITMAP; added functions: create_pal_bitmap(int w, int h); destroy_pal_bitmap(PAL_BITMAP *bmp); Lot's of stuff changed in datimage.c to grab/view/export this filetype. Type registration in datafile.c. I needed to swap the PALETTE & BITMAP section in allegro.h, because I needed a fully defined PALETTE for the code to work. How it works: Use the dat or grabber utility to create a datafile with PBMP objects. When accessing these objects through sourcecode, the bmp pointer points to a normal 8bit bitmap, and the pal is the palette the original bitmap had. The patch is against Allegro 3.9.32. I hope it works, because I haven't 3.9.33 yet. Please tell me what you think and please apply this patch since I don't have CVS access. Jörg
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