Re: [AD] file selector

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> > Examples:
> > 
> > ( ) Show non-hidden files
> Would anyone actually want to see only hidden files?

I mean in addition to the rest.

> > ( ) Sort alphabetically then by number
> >     ("file0, file1, file2, file8, file9, file10" will be in this order)
> If the alphabetical sorter did numbers as well, then you wouldn't need
> this at all. The user could just name the files 'file00, file01...file10'
> and it would sort the desired way.

I understand.  I was just thinking of emulating a tcl feature.

> There are so many possible options, should they all just be put onto the
> dialog? Or would it be better to have a 'More...' button? Or would it be
> better to have drop-list buttons at the bottom of the dialog (one button
> for each section. ex: 'Hidden files','Directories','Sorting') ?

It would be better to decide which options we really need.  Apps
needing more can add what they want themselves.

Andy Goth

unununium@xxxxxxxxxx (andygoth@xxxxxxxxxx)

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