Re: AW: [AD] Paletted Bitmap Grabber PlugIn & Allegro Extension |
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- To: "Allego Developer List" <conductors@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: AW: [AD] Paletted Bitmap Grabber PlugIn & Allegro Extension
- From: Jörg Rüppel <rueppel@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 12:48:14 +0200
- Organization: Trinode GmbH
AArrgh! And I think both of you don't understand my problem.
The plugin-interface only provides functions for saving. I can register a
struct with function pointers which allow me to save my object into a
datafile and grab objects from external file formats, but NO function for
loading the object from a datafile. This function needs to be registered
with the thing Bob mentioned below. But there is no point in the plugin
system, where I can execute this function. For that I'd need to edit
'grabber.c' directly, which is not the purpose of the plug-in system, isn't
it? Each plugin comes with a .INC file:
/* registration code for setting up the font object plugin */
extern DATEDIT_OBJECT_INFO datfont_info;
extern DATEDIT_GRABBER_INFO datfont_grabber;
I tried to include the register_datafile_object() into the .INC file, but
that didn't work, because the INC file doesn't know anything about a
function called 'read_pal_bitmap_object_from_datafile()' unless it is
declared in ALLEGRO.H. I think we should add function pointers for
loading/destroying new objects, too, to DATEDIT_OBJECT_INFO, otherwise the
plugin system is senseless. In my game code it is no problem to call the
'register_datafile_object' but I want the grabber to be able to read this
new object, too.
-----------------(SHX '00)----
> [From allegro.txt]
> void register_datafile_object(int id, void *(*load)(PACKFILE *f, long
> size),
> void (*destroy)(void *data));
> Used to add custom object types, specifying functions to load and
> destroy
> objects of this type. See grabber.txt for more information.
> --
> - Robert J Ohannessian