Re: AW: [AD] Paletted Bitmap Grabber PlugIn & Allegro Extension |
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In reply to Jörg Rüppel (Jörg Rüppel <rueppel@xxxxxxxxxx>): >AArrgh! And I think both of you don't understand my problem. > >The plugin-interface only provides functions for saving. I can register a >struct with function pointers which allow me to save my object into a >datafile and grab objects from external file formats, but NO function for >loading the object from a datafile. This function needs to be registered >with the thing Bob mentioned below. But there is no point in the plugin >system, where I can execute this function. For that I'd need to edit >'grabber.c' directly, which is not the purpose of the plug-in system, isn't >it? Each plugin comes with a .INC file: I see your problem. Basically, when your plugin is initialised, it needs to register the custom type. But, since there is no specific plugin init function, there is no way of doing this. If nobody sees any problems, we could extend the DATEDIT_OBJECT_INFO vtable to allow an initialisation function. This allows us to call, among other things, register_datafile_object() . If everyone is happy with this change, I will code it. Bye for now, -- Laurence Withers, lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx
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