Re: [AD] GUI double clicks and presses

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George Foot <gfoot@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> IMHO the system should pass through all mouse presses with
> MSG_*PRESS messages, even if they're part of a double-click.  To
> me the press and release messages feel lower-level than the
> click/dclick messages.

That sounds about right.  If you are using MSG_CLICK and MSG_DCLICK
then you probably shouldn't be messing with MSG_*PRESS in the first
place.  As you say, they're at a lower level.

> If anyone wants to look, here are some details of Vincent's
> message:
>     Subject: [AD]  Two small modifications I am willing to share
>     Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 09:06:32 +0100

D'oh, my mail archives start from June 1999.  Is this list archived
at all?

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
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