Re: [AD] another gui patch

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OK. I tested everything I was able to (with WIP 3.9.33) and everything is all
right. But here is the last small patch which modifies the animation method
selector in demo.c which was forgotten in my last GUI modification patch. It
only modifies 2 lines in demo.c (when I was modifying the sources, I forgot
that demo.c uses one more dialog than the gfx mode selector).

Mail: pavlovic@xxxxxxxxxx
diff -r -U 3 -N allegro.old/demo/demo.c allegro/demo/demo.c
--- allegro.old/demo/demo.c	Tue Aug 22 20:45:56 2000
+++ allegro/demo/demo.c	Sat Aug 26 16:25:04 2000
@@ -1092,9 +1092,9 @@
 DIALOG anim_type_dlg[] =
    /* (dialog proc)     (x)   (y)   (w)   (h)   (fg)  (bg)  (key) (flags)     (d1)  (d2)  (dp)                 (dp2) (dp3) */
-   { d_shadow_box_proc, 0,    0,    280,  150,  0,    1,    0,    0,          0,    0,    NULL,                NULL, NULL  },
+   { d_shadow_box_proc, 0,    0,    281,  151,  0,    1,    0,    0,          0,    0,    NULL,                NULL, NULL  },
    { d_ctext_proc,      140,  8,    1,    1,    0,    1,    0,    0,          0,    0,    "Animation Method",  NULL, NULL  },
-   { anim_list_proc,    16,   28,   152,  43,   0,    1,    0,    D_EXIT,     4,    0,    anim_list_getter,    NULL, NULL  },
+   { anim_list_proc,    16,   28,   153,  44,   0,    1,    0,    D_EXIT,     4,    0,    anim_list_getter,    NULL, NULL  },
    { anim_desc_proc,    16,   90,   248,  48,   0,    1,    0,    0,          0,    0,    0,                   NULL, NULL  },
    { d_button_proc,     184,  28,   80,   16,   0,    1,    13,   D_EXIT,     0,    0,    "OK",                NULL, NULL  },
    { d_button_proc,     184,  50,   80,   16,   0,    1,    27,   D_EXIT,     0,    0,    "Cancel",            NULL, NULL  },

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