Re: [AD] Allegro Source Browser update

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On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, Henrik Stokseth wrote:

> On Tue, 01 Aug 2000, Stepan Roh wrote:
> > (so that's why I'm CCing this to AD).
> oh my god... some sort of pusishment, eh? ^_^ on the serious side though, i
> have never heard of the allegro source browser before so i couldn't
> possibly know what you meant...

My fault, but on the other side I've noticed my browser on 10th February

> personally i've used CVS to look at various allegro versions. you
> might consider writing a script that accesses the allegro CVS and
> formats the output as html. think of it...

I started it before CVS had been established.

> you'll save quite a lot of disk space. the script wouldn't be too hard
> to make either, i bet you can do most of the work by redirecting the
> output from cvs to sed to format it then add html headers and footers.
> performance problems can be dealt with by installing squid or simmilar
> www proxy.

I thought of it, but there are some problems :

1. My home server is connected only at 64 kbps, but htmlised sources are
big, so I have them on our university server which is connected on TEN155
(155 Mbps), that's why I'm not able to install any server software.

2. For security and stability reasons we are (at the university) using
distributed CGI executing, where scripts are not executed on web server
but on small subset of our lab computers. This subset is composed from
slowest and oldest computers available (SPARCstation-5). That's very slow.

I think that sourceforge (where Allegro CVS is running) has some support
for browsing htmlised version of CVS. But I don't know exactly, maybe
George Foot knows (and can set it up).

> btw. the source browser looks good.


Have a nice day.

Stepan Roh

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