Re: [AD] Still on the Soundscape problem |
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A.Mottola wrote:
<< As for the change of 16 to 15 on line 580, I made it after having it
working, but producing distorted sound. I then
looked at the interrupt handler, and the first thing I tried was to change
this to 15, and all sounded good after the
modification. I changed it, as at a first look it seemed to me that doing a
check for >16 within that context was
making it to wait an odd number of IRQs to swap the buffers, while with 15
it became even... I don't know the inners of
your work, but that was the first stupid thing I had in mind, and it was
just a try... but it worked. So I assumed I was
right, but the final word is up to you of course! >>
Maybe this idea wasn't so stupid as you say. In fact the original code hasn't
such a dmacounter at all, it switches immediately - would that work for you
too ? For me - again - there's no difference changing this. It runs stable
like a workhorse - bad luck :)
The real reason this counter is there lies far in the past. I think there
were any kind of distortion problem too - but later this was a
signed/unsigned - problem, and therefore this idea of the essaudio-driver
(Ensoniq too) was left, because it was working.
So if it works for you without this dmacounter, we could remove it completely.
(But then this little bit of time is lost in this interrupt more often, so if
15 is okay, we should take 15 - so we are odd again).
The other odd thing, the inportb-problem, I really cannot understand that.
Especially in the line 525 situation. With different delays it will not work,
but with inp() ?
One question around the corner: Are you absolutely sure, that you have -
reinstalling windows - the same legacy driver than before ? I do have a
Win-driver for the 1571 from 8-11-1998 for the PCI 64V. I will send it to you
privately and would suggest, you should give him a try. Perhaps there is the
problem. You know, without Windows emulation - or with any (not working) DOS
driver called in the startup - the driver will not work at all. I will send
this mail through the conductors-list, because George may decide to apply the
patch or wait for this try. And if it helps, people will know, that there is
a critical thing with this Win-driver...
Thanks for the patience of all Non-Win/DOS-Allegreans :)
(BTW: Tom, don't get nervous, once again the wrong destination...)