Re: [AD] Patch for fixed bugs with Soundscape DOS driver

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yes, when I first realized the bug was probably in the supposed difference between inp()/inportb() and
outp()/outportb(), the first thing I did was to look at the RHIDE online documentation about libc functions... I did
read that thing, and that's why I'm puzzled too; anyway it seems that with those changes, now it works. Don't ask me
Maybe the problem is with DJGPP itself, but I have the latest compiler release (at least I think: I downloaded it all
less than two weeks ago)...

btw again, original Allegro 3.12 used inp() and oupt(), and all worked great. Than why changing them to outportb() and
inportb()? Compatibility issues as stated into the RHIDE online help? But who cares? At the end the sndscape.c file is
only compiled if you're building the DJGPP DOS Allegro version, and it'll always work as long as DJGPP itself supports
those functions.

Angelo Mottola

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