Re: [AD] Patch for fixed bugs with Soundscape DOS driver

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Angelo Mottola wrote:
> I found a really strange bug: the WIP uses
> outportb() and inportb() functions for ports I/O, while the old Allegro 3.12 uses inp() and outp(). I've always
> believed they are equivalent, but eventually I was wrong... 

My documentation (from RHide) says:



     #include <pc.h>

     unsigned char inb(unsigned short _port);


Calls inportb. Provided only for compatibility.

So inb() = inportb() ?
Then why did the problem 'disappear' ? Am I missing something here ?


- Robert J Ohannessian

Programmers are a lot like artists: they're only given credit 50 years
after they die.

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