Re: [AD] Bugs on the last WIP version of Allegro

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Javi G.G. <javigg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The getr15() and getg15() functions doesn't work, but the getr15()
> works, they return always black and the value (in this mode) must
> be between 0-127 (i think it should be between 0-255)

I'm not sure what you mean, but they work for me (testing under
Linux).  Maybe you could post an example program containing the

>   Also when "sneaking" in your allegro/src/c folder, I noticed that
>   the file CBLIT15.C is missed. I'm reporting this cause in the
>   folder you always have a c for every the depths avaiable.

After glancing at the code I'm pretty sure cblit16.c works for 15
bit as well (15 bit modes are actually 16 bit aligned).

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
"Money is the root of all money." -- the moving finger

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