Re: [AD] CVS access to Allegro

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On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Shawn Hargreaves wrote:

> The only really hairy thing here is, if there is more than one
> maintainer, how do we decide who is in charge of doing that to each
> patch? It could be by program area (eg. Michael does X stuff), or we
> could take it in turns, or perhaps just whoever gets to it first could
> post a quick "thanks, it's under consideration" that would serve both
> to let the poster know it's been received, and to let the other
> maintainers know that it is being dealt with.

The most common is to have a maintainer for each consistent part of the

> I really don't know what would work best here: ideally something
> simple and flexible enough not to be a pain, but it would be a shame
> if we ever get patches being lost through nobody applying them, or
> several people trying to apply the same patch at the same time...

I suggest to have a web-based patch tracker system. I saw one on Freeciv,
it's called Jitterbug, but they use it very inconsistently so some patches
are there and some are not :-( Just have a system where there will be the
list of patches with status indicator (Incoming, Refused, In progress,
Applied) along with a maintainer name (except for Incoming which was just
sent). Maintainers can easily change status of patches (access should be
authorized with password of course) via browser.

Stepan Roh

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