Re: [AD] get_executable_name in unix

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Eduard Bloch <edi@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I changed the _xwin_sysdrv_get_executable_name to lookup in the PATH
> environment instead of using argv[0] only. 

I'm not a code-Nazi, and the file in question isn't even mine, but
could you please keep your patches consistent with the rest of the
file?  Some things I noted:

  Use /* C-style comments */ instead of // C++ comments. 
  Many compilers can not handle C++ comments, and besides, C
  comments look better :-)

  Don't put the date in the author area, and keep the author string
  above the "See readme.txt for copyright information."

  Don't mark changes with your initials, except possibly when you
  are asking a question in the comments.

  Insert whitespace as with the rest of the file. e.g.

	    if (a) { ... }
	    if(a){ ... }

  Don't over-comment.  e.g.

        path_parts[entries][i]='\0'; // terminate the previos string

Shawn will probably be too nice to tell you any of this.

BTW, I'm pretty sure Michael would know that it's not "X-Windows",
but just doesn't care.  What's in a name?

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
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