Re: [AD] Bloat Issues

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On Sun, Mar 12, 2000 at 05:09:12PM +0000, Shawn Hargreaves wrote:
> You are misunderstanding the whole point of why those constructors exist. 
> They are to _improve_ executable size, not make it worse! Without them, 
> some modules have to issue calls to other modules, eg. install_sound() 
> calls midi_init(), which means that every time you use any sound code, it 
> has to link in all the MIDI code as well, even if you never call any MIDI 
> functions. The constructors are used to set up an indirect pointer to 
> those functions instead, so that the code only gets linked if it is 
> actually called. This is a Good Thing, and has no adverse effects at all.

But `_midi_constructor' is in `midi.c' -- surely if it's always
getting called, from `allegro.c', then its code has to be linked
in, so all the code in `midi.c' has to be linked in anyway, even
if you never call `install_sound' even?  AFAICS that's certainly
true if constructors aren't available; maybe there's some magic
that makes this argument wrong if they are, though?

I don't see any way that it would be possible to get around this
problem without having separate initialisation functions for
digital sound and MIDI music, and having `install_sound' just
for backward compatibility.


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06/02/2000: AllegroGL alpha 3: use OpenGL with Allegro in Unix or Windows

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