[AD] mixer.c(?) and DGA

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  Don't kill me for posting to the conductors list, but I don't get a
single reply to messages I post to the other lists.

First of all, I would like sample looping to work both directions.  It
doesn't loop when speed is negative, which is quite annoying when trying
to write a DJ mixer software.  I think that this is something that
should be an Allegro feature.

Next item on the list: XFree86_DGA.  I use an ATI Xpert@xxxxxxxxxx 98 video
card.  When I run Allegro in DGA mode, the colors and the display are
all messed up.  I've tried it in both 24-bit and 32-bit color depths. 
If anyone wants a screen shot I can probably get them one, so they can
see what I'm talking about.  I use kernel 2.2.14 and Linux-Mandrake
6.1.  I have run other DGA programs without a hitch, such as StarCraft
under Wine.  What can I do to get Allegro working, and get back to
programming games?

|                  Michael Bourgeous                  |
|      Programmer, Designer, and Graphics Artist      |
|     UIN(ICQ):46697869                AIM: yttren    |
|E-mail: nitrogen@xxxxxxxxxx	URL: http://fly.to/sts|

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