[AD] Bug in TARGA loader...

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I've found a bug in the allegro TARGA loader which caused distorted
graphics and random crashes. here's one:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x40080629 in rle_tga_read24 () from /usr/local/lib/liballeg-3.9.32.so

i'll attach a picture which gets loaded inproperly. it was made with GIMP just
in case anyone wonder... 

Sincerely Henrik Stokseth.
"Now, one OS i'd like to see is Sovjetix. Where everyone has the same
permissions. Whoops, that idea was already taken, Windows..." - Eugene Teo.
Email: hstokset@xxxxxxxxxx Homepage: http://hstokset.home.dhs.org

Attachment: beast1.tga
Description: Binary data

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