Re: [AD] Watcom port problems (3.9.31)

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Anyone else having problems compiling the watcom port of the library?  The
make process hangs at iblit16.asm for me -- AS has no problems compiling it
for djgpp, and the other asm files before it compile just fine, but when it
gets here I get a ton of syntax errors:
.  I'm using Watcom 10.6, gcc 2.95.1, djgpp dev kit 2.03, and
Bnutils 2.81.  Has anyone else found a solution to this?

I've had some minor success with WIP3.9.28 and Watcom V11, I haven't tried
.30/.31 yet.  I had to hand build the library since the make files didn't
work quite right, not passing the cmd line options correctly, cmd lines too
long (linker), and some other quirks.  Got most of the 8-bit video drivers
working, didn't try the sound/MIDI, 15/16/24/32 bit video.  Had to hand
assemble/disassemble/edit/reassemble the .ASM files based on the make file.
WDISASM from Watcom 10.5 and WDIS from Watcom V11 are different beasts and
output different styles of disassembled code.  WASM choked on the 3D-related
disassembled files.


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