RE: [AD] windowed mode patch

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> Speaking of which: is it worthwhile to have a hardware accelerated hline()
> function? I added this two WIP's ago, and it is slightly faster than
> software on my machine, but on my work system it is actually much slower
> than software (because the DDraw call overhead is greater than the cost of
> software drawing for such a small area). It would be useful if other
> could check the performance difference of hline() and circlefill() in
> test.exe, and see if they are faster with or without using the accel
> so we can decide whether it is worth keeping this hline()

directdraw accel, 640x480x16
   hline - 127000
   circlefill - 2079
directdraw soft, 640x480x16
   hline - 9270
   circlefill - 2545

directdraw accel, 640x480x32
   hline - 131000
   circlefill - 2112
directdraw soft, 640x480x32
   hline - 8714
   circlefill - 1546

I think it's better with acceleration (at least in my system). If circlefill
is too slow, we could find a way to use software scanlines only in
circlefill, and similar functions, and leaving accel scanlines in hline.
Also, vline could be accelerated in the same way as hline.

And now a little question: why is vline in non-solid drawmodes SO slow? for
example, using line is about 20 times faster than vline in my machine using
translucent mode.

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