[AD] Clear MMX Improved !

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Ok, here it is. It's a majorly bug fixed version of MMX clear for both 16-bit and 8-bit color depths ! Speed hasn't changed since the old version, but this one should work correctly now.

Replace iblit8.s and iblit16.s with these ones. These should be applied *AFTER* JOSE ANTONIO LUQUE's patch (as he's using my old version).

Oh yeah, this version treats correctly bitmaps of "unusual width" (not multiple of 16 :), and of "incorrect" alinements. I have 2 versions of the code: one with segment decode and one without (as it's faster on PMMX and prolly K6 too because there's no decode to do).

Attachment: iblit.zip
Description: Zip archive


 - Robert J Ohannessian

There is always one more bug.

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