[AD] New window creating hook for the Windows code

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I'd like to have a new function added to the Windows code of Allegro. I hope
it is sensible.

The function I would like to have added is win_set_wnd_create_proc(HWND
proc) . This function is passed a pointer to a function which will be called
by Allegro in order to obtain the handle of the window this callback should
create. This is better than using win_set_window() because Allegro still
sets up the threads and stuff. Why I need this? There's no other way (at
least none that I can think of) to implement a fullscreen driver for

I included a patch for wwnd.c against 3.9.30, which is the only file that is
affected. Except winalleg.h, of course, which needs another entry for the



Günter Ladwig
eMail: gladwig@xxxxxxxxxx
ICQ#: 14360158
HP: http://cyberbobby.home.pages.de

Attachment: wwnd.diff
Description: Binary data

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